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The Roann Public Library maintains its policies, and board meeting minutes as public records. Interested persons may come to the library and view these holdings during library hours.


1. The Roann Public Library provides free internet access via wifi, as well as library computers for the public, regardless of patron status. People using the library internet agree to abide by these policies, by their very use. A parent must accompany any child under ten years of age on any library computer terminal.

2. The library does not provide email service through the library accounts. People may however, set up and access their personal email accounts online. Outlook Express is disabled on library computers.

3.Library computers are equipped with security filters. This complies with the CIPA Guidelines adopted by the State of Indiana. Items filtered include hate crimes, excessive violence, online dating, pornography, nudity, etc. A list of filter perimeters is available to view upon request.

4. Sign in on library computers requires that a specific terminal be assigned. Users will be responsible for any changes or inappropriate use of that terminal, while it is assigned to them. Any damages to the computer or peripherals connected to that terminal will be the user's responsibility. Please be sure to sign out after use, so you are no longer responsible for that computer. Inappropriate use or changes made to the computer will cause action taken by the staff, which could include the revocation of computer privileges. Your assistance is appreciated.

5. Time slots for computers use are 30 minutes. If no one is waiting to use a terminal at the end of 30 minutes, the staff may extend the use-time another 30 minutes. There is a 1 hour limit.

6. Printed pages are 10 cents each. Users are responsible for ALL pages printed, regardless if you wanted it or not. Only press the print button once. Please be sure you have money available to print before doing so. The printer is black and white only.

7. Do not abuse the computers by pounding on the keyboards or the mouse. Do not shut down a computer without staff permission.

8. Close out any open accounts or pages before leaving the computer. This is for your protection.

9. The staff, upon request, may attempt to help users find sites they need. Staff may not input any personal information for a user to include any passwords or personal identification information such as a social security number. This is for your protection.

10. No open beverages will be allowed on the computer terminals.

Roann Paw Paw Township Public Library Bylaws


Article I.



Section 1. The name of this Board is the “Board of Trustees of the Roann Paw Paw Township Public Library”, hereinafter referred to as “the Board.” The Roann Paw Paw Township Public Library will be hereinafter referred to as “the Library”.


Section 2. Geographical boundaries of the Library and taxed library district include all of Paw Paw Township, in Wabash County, Indiana.


Article II.

Authority and Purpose


Section 1. The Board shall govern the Library, a municipal corporation and Class 1 library organized under the public library provisions, according to the purposes and authority set forth in IC 36‐12, as amended, and such other Indiana and federal laws as affect the operation of the Library.


Section 2. Members of the Board (Trustees) shall serve without compensation, except that the Treasurer may be paid, per IC 36‐12‐2‐21. A Board member may not serve as a paid employee of the public library.


Section 3. Necessary travel and/or meal expenses of any Board member incurred in the interest and business of the library may be reimbursed out of library funds, per policy or board resolution. Such travel on behalf of the Library shall be approved by the Board.


Section 4. The Board may engage legal counsel as needed for legal advice.


Article III.



Section 1. The library board shall select a librarian who holds a certificate under IC 36‐12‐11 to serve as the director of the library any time after January 2010. The selection shall be made solely upon the basis of the candidate's training and proficiency in the science of library administration. The board shall fix the compensation of the director. The director, as the administrative head of the library, is responsible to the board for the operation and management of the library, per IC 36‐12‐2‐24(a)


Section 2. The director shall have the power to write and enforce administrative regulations or

procedures governing the Library which logically stem from adopted and approved Board policies. Such regulations or procedures shall be consistent with the policies of the Board.


Section 3. The director shall attend all library Board meetings, except those at which her/his

appointment, salary, or performance is to be discussed or decided.


Article IV.

Conflicts of Interest

Section 1. Board members, in the capacity of trust imposed upon them, shall observe ethical

standards with absolute truth, integrity and honor.

Section 2. Board members shall promote a high level of service while observing ethical standards.

Section 3. Board members shall avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues or the institution.

Section 4. Board members will not use the library for personal advantage or the personal advantage of friends or relatives.

Section 5. Board members will declare any conflict of interest between their personal life and their position on the Library Board and avoid voting on issues that appear to be a conflict of interest. It is incumbent upon any Board member to disqualify or recuse himself/herself from voting immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists.

Section 6. If the possibility of a long‐term conflict of interest exists, the Board member shall either end the conflict or resign from the board.


Article V.


Section 1. The Library will always hire employees based on their experience, skills and merit. If a family member of a Board member or current staff member is interested in a position with the Library, that person should apply through standard channels.


Article VI.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board by majority vote of the members.

Section 2. Amendments shall be proposed one month in advance of voting, and a copy provided to each Board member at least 15 days before the meeting.

Section 3. Amendments may be proposed by any member of the Board

Section 4. The amendments for each year shall be sent to the Indiana State Library upon submission of the annual report.


Article VII.


Section 2. Members of the Board shall be appointed pursuant to IC 36‐12‐2‐9, and as follows:

Class 1 library (town/city, township, multiple townships, county library) Appointing authority

Trustee 1 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(1) County executive

Trustee 2 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(2) County fiscal body

Trustee 3 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(3) School board

Trustee 4 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(3) School board

Trustee 5 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(3) School board

Trustee 6 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(4) (IC 36‐12‐2‐10(1), 11(b1), 12(1), 13(1), or 14(1)) Township Fiscal Body

Trustee 7 IC 36‐12‐2‐9(5) (IC 36‐12‐2‐10(2), 11(b2), 12(2), 13(2), or 14(2)) Town Board


Article VIII.


Section 1. Officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, per IC36‐12‐2‐22 and IC 36‐12‐2‐23.

Section 2. The officers shall be elected by ballot (at the January meeting for a term on one year, per IC 36‐12‐2‐23.

Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be filled by ballot at the next regular meeting of the Board after the vacancy occurs, if possible.


Section 4. Any officer may be removed by the Board at any regular or special meeting by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Board.

Section 5. The duties of the officers shall be such as by custom and law, including IC 36‐12‐2‐22 et seq. and the rules of this Board usually devolve upon such officers in accordance with their titles.

Section 6. The President shall preside at Board meetings, appoint committees deemed necessary, certify all bills allowed by the Board, sign all warrants on the Treasurer for the payment of money, enforce the observance of these rules, and perform such other duties as pertain to the office of the President and are necessary to carry out the wishes of the Board.

Sec. 7. The Vice‐President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.

Sec. 8. The Secretary shall record all proceedings of the Board and countersign all warrants on the Treasurer for the payment of money; shall certify the rate of taxation as determined by the Library Board to the County Auditor, and see that the levy is properly made and recorded; shall keep a record of attendance at Board meetings, and if any member is absent without reasonable excuse from six consecutive meetings for any cause other than illness, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to inform the appointing authority that the member is not serving the best interests of the Library and should be replaced by someone who will take an active part in the work.

Section 9. In addition to duties outlined in IC 36‐12‐2‐22, the Treasurer shall be responsible for and keep a detailed account of receipts and expenditures and be responsible for monthly reports and an annual report of receipts and expenditures; shall sign all warrants approved by the Board; will be responsible for and keep one key to the lock box at Beacon Credit Union, and the second key shall be kept in the Library.


Article IX.



Section 1. The Board shall meet monthly. The Board shall set the meeting days for the year at the first annual meeting. The January meeting shall be the annual meeting, per IC 36‐12‐2‐23.

Section 2. The full Board and its officers constitutes The Board of Finance and shall meet annually in January, after the first Monday and on or before the last day of January, to review finances and depositories, per IC 5‐13‐7‐5 et seq.

Section 3. Regular, special and executive session meetings will be publicized and conducted in accordance with the Open Door Law of Indiana (IC 5‐14‐1.5).

Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the President, or upon written request of two (2)  members, for the transaction of business as stated in the call, per IC 36‐12‐2‐23. Notice stating the time and place of any special meeting and the purpose for which called shall be given each member of the Board at least 2 days in advance of such meeting and to the local media 48 hours in advance, excluding holidays and weekends, per IC 5‐14‐1.5‐5

Section 5. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a simple majority, which is equal to 50% of the seats established by law plus one, regardless of any current vacancies on a library’s board.


Section 6. Robert’s Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board.


Article X.



Section 1. Special committees for the study of special problems may be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board, to serve until the final report of the work for which they were appointed has been filed at a regular library Board meeting.


Section 2. Committees may have citizen members, as deemed appropriate for their purpose by the Board.


Article XI.

Policies, Plans, Rules, and Regulations


Section 1. In addition to operating in accordance with these Bylaws and the laws of the State of Indiana, the Board shall adopt policies, plans, rules, and regulations to govern its operations, and may affirm policies, plans, rules and regulations proposed by the Library Director for the management and administration of the Library, as required by 590 IAC 6‐1‐4(d), 590 IAC 6‐1‐4(e) and 590 IAC 6‐1‐4(h) .


Section 2. All of these policies, plans, rules, and regulations shall be compiled and organized in a

manual to be known as “The Policies, Plans, Rules, and Regulations of the Roann Paw Paw Township Public Library.”


Article XII.

Review of Bylaws

Section 1. The bylaws will be reviewed at the January meeting, every three years. The secretary shall affix the date of review to the bylaws for audit as well as indicating the action in the minutes.


1. The selection of books and materials shall be at the descretion of the Director. The trustees shall be available for consultation, should any need arise.

2. Fines are currently 5 cents per item per day, excluding the day it is due or returned, weekends, or holidays. Lost books shall be charged at the cost of replacement. The charge for damaged books shall be at the descretion of the Director.

3. Long overdue materials: The Director shall mail a written notice to the patron. Should this fail, Patron shall be notified that their card has been revoked until accounts are taken care of or materials returned.

4. Non-Resident card fees are updated each year. Currently, they are $35 a year and are good for an individual only as per State Library.

5. Each patron may check out 5 items per visit.

6. Materials may be checked out for a period of 2 weeks, with an option to renew.

7. Circulation of materials shall include both the in-house holdings of the Roann Library, as well as marerials provided through the inter-library loan program throughout the State of Indiana, via the Indiana State Library. Due dates are set by the loaning library.

8. Gifts of materials will be accepted by the Director with the explicit understanding that they may not all be added to the collection.

9. If the library recieves cash gifts for the purchase of memorials, the selection will be made by the donor or the Director.

10. The Library Director and Board of Trustees aim to pursue an active program of stimulation and leadership in encouraging the use of the library for the development of recreational and cultural pursuits. Certain new materials will be advertised in local newspapers.

Contact us


240 S. Chippewa St.

P.O. Box 248

Roann, IN 46974

Opening Hours

Mon - Wed: 1pm - 6pm

Thur 9am-12pm, 1pm-6pm

Fri 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm

​Sunday: closed


ITP is an online solution designed to bring better visibility, openness & accountability to Indiana State Government.

 The Indiana Transparency Portal (ITP) is designed to give you, the Indiana taxpayer, an inside look into Indiana State Government spending and operations.

                                ONLINE DASHBOARD

The Department of Local Government Finance, in partnership with the Indiana Business Research Center, pursuant to IC 5-14-3.9, has recently released an online dashboard for political subdivisions. The dashboard may be found on Gateway. The URL for the Gateway online dashboard is


The dashboard displays summary information about political subdivisions, including revenues, expenditures, and assessed values. For school corporations, educational performance data is also provided.


Copies/ Print outs:        .10 per page

Fax:   $3 1st pg.,  $1 each additional

Notary:                  $2 per stamp

Lamination: .50 card, $1 letter size,                            $1.50 legal size

Overdue Fines: .05 per item, per day

Basement Rental:          $40 per day

Non-Resident Cards:    $56 per year *

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Roann now has a Reciprocal Borrowing Covenant with both North Manchester and Wabash Public Libraries. Stop by for details!

Board of Trustees: Valerie Doud, Jennifer Draper, Julia Rensberger, Marsha Haffner, Holly Kendall, Jonathan Fisher, Sharla Reavis.

Library Staff: Library Director: Joy Harber, Clerks: Ellie Chenault, Katie Zintsmaster, Miranda Steller.

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